
上海外事商務咨詢中心 2024-05-11 18:09:10

Banks in Dalian, Liaoning province, have issued more than 110,000 wallets containing small change — including to over 13,000 taxi drivers — as part of the city's latest efforts to provide more convenience to expats and visitors from overseas.

遼甯省大連市的銀行已發放超過11萬個裝有小額零錢的零錢包,其中包括給1.3萬余名出租車司機的零錢包,這是大連市最新推出的爲外籍人士和海外遊客提供便利的措施之一。The "change wallets" have small-denomination notes of one, five, 10 and 20 yuan, according to the Dalian branch of the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank. The banks offer standard wallets for 300 yuan ($41) or others with tailored amounts to meet the public's diversified demand for cash services.據中國人民銀行大連市分行(中國央行)稱,“兌換錢包”中包含面值爲1元、5元、10元和20元的小額紙幣。銀行提供300元(41美元)的標准錢包或其他定制金額的錢包,以滿足公衆對現金服務的多樣化需求。"People in China have been using mobile phone payments for quite a while now," said South African kindergarten teacher Roslyn Rochelle Govender, who has lived in Dalian for 10 years.“中國人使用手機支付已經有一段時間了,”已在大連居住了10年的南非幼兒園教師羅絲琳·羅謝爾·戈文德(Roslyn Rochelle Govender)說道。"Most of our new foreign colleagues set up Alipay and WeChat Pay once they have secured a bank card. But, overseas visitors usually find it difficult to obtain a card when visiting for a short period of time," she said, adding that optimizing payment services will greatly help inbound visitors.


Wang Kechao, a taxi driver in Dalian, said as Alipay and WeChat Pay are so popular, many taxi drivers are reluctant to accept cash because it's inconvenient to provide. However, he added he'd met some Japanese tourists who exclusively use online payment methods.大連出租車司機王克超表示,由于支付寶和微信支付非常流行,很多出租車司機不願接受現金,因爲提供現金很不方便。但他補充說,他遇到過一些只使用在線支付方式的日本遊客。Dalian is an important port, industrial, trade, financial and tourism center in Northeast China. It has a large number of inbound travelers for business, study and tourism.大連是中國東北地區的重要港口、工業、貿易、金融和旅遊中心,擁有大量因商務、學習和旅遊而入境的遊客。From May 14 to 28, the port city will host the 2024 International School Sport Federation Football World Cup, with 56 teams from 33 countries and regions participating. In June, it will host the 15th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, which will bring together over 1,500 high-level participants.5月14日至28日,這座港口城市將舉辦2024年國際學校體育聯合會足球世界杯,來自33個國家和地區的56支隊伍將參賽。6月,這裏還將舉辦第十五屆世界經濟論壇新領軍者年會,也就是夏季達沃斯論壇,預計將吸引超過1500名高級別與會者。Groups doing preparation work for the forum are making arrangements for the participants' accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing and exchanges.爲論壇做准備工作的團隊正在爲與會者的住宿、餐飲、交通、觀光和交流做出安排。As these international events draw closer, Dalian is aiming to provide more convenient and diversified services for foreign visitors.隨著這些國際賽事的臨近,大連正致力于爲外國遊客提供更便捷、更多元化的服務。With the support of local government, PBOC's Dalian branch has set out a plan to promote the development and use of various payment methods, including mobile payments and bank cards, to better meet the needs of foreign visitors as well as the elderly.在地方政府支持下,中國人民銀行大連分行已制定計劃,推動移動支付、銀行卡等多種支付方式的發展和應用,以更好地滿足外國遊客和老年人的需求。The plan came after the State Council, China's Cabinet, released a guideline on March 7 on coordinating the efforts of various authorities to improve payment services and make them more convenient.該計劃是在中國國務院于3月7日發布了一份關于協調各部門努力改善支付服務並使其更加便利的指導方針後出台的。On March 14, the PBOC released a payment guide, which instructs foreigners through text and graphics on how to use bank cards, cash, mobile payments and e-CNY digital yuan in China.3月14日,中國人民銀行發布了一份支付指南,通過文字和圖形向外國人介紹如何在中國使用銀行卡、現金、移動支付和e-CNY數字人民幣。"I've noticed recently that payment has become increasingly convenient in Dalian, whether it's paying by card, scanning a QR code or using cash," said Igor Popov, who has lived in Dalian for a decade.在大連居住了十年的伊戈爾·波波夫(Igor Popov)說:“我最近注意到,在大連,無論是刷卡、掃描二維碼還是使用現金,支付都變得越來越方便了。”"When my friends arrive at the airport, I can take them to places to exchange currencies immediately. At major hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions, foreign visitors can pay with cards bearing the logos of UnionPay, Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club, JCB or American Express," he added.他補充道:“當我的朋友們到達機場時,我可以立刻帶他們去兌換外幣的地方。在主要的酒店、餐廳和旅遊景點,外國遊客可以用帶有銀聯、Visa、萬事達、大萊俱樂部、JCB或美國運通等標志的銀行卡付款。”PBOC's Dalian branch has also issued a service guide for the city, to improve multi-language bank account services and ensure that opening an account or handling a complaint is completed within one hour.


"Mobile payment is developing rapidly in China, replacing traditional payment methods such as bank cards and cash. But some elderly residents and foreign visitors might find it inconvenient," Zhu Yan, deputy head of the PBOC Dalian branch, said at a news conference last month.中國人民銀行大連分行副行長朱燕在上月的一次新聞發布會上表示:“移動支付在中國發展迅速,正在取代銀行卡和現金等傳統支付方式。但一些老年居民和外國遊客可能會覺得不方便。”She said PBOC is establishing payment service centers in key areas of Dalian, such as the airport, and is also setting up demonstration business areas near the Summer Davos Forum venue.她說,中國人民銀行正在大連的關鍵地區,如機場,設立支付服務中心,並正在夏季達沃斯論壇會場附近設立示範商業區。By June 30, point-of-sale terminals across Dalian's key sectors and merchants will be able to accept foreign bank and credit cards, Zhu said. The number of merchants accepting foreign cards is expected to reach 20,000, while all major banks' ATMs in the city will support cash withdrawals made with foreign cards.朱說,到6月30日,大連重點行業和商戶的POS機將能夠受理外卡,預計受理外卡的商戶將達到2萬家,市內所有主要銀行的ATM機都將支持外卡取現。With the goal of achieving easy access to subway travel for foreigners, the PBOC Dalian branch has coordinated with local transportation authorities, China UnionPay and other relevant departments and units, to make it possible for foreign cards to be used to buy subway tickets.爲實現外籍人士便捷乘坐地鐵,人民銀行大連市中心支行與大連市交通局、中國銀聯大連分公司等相關部門和單位積極協調,實現了外國銀行卡購地鐵票。China UnionPay said it's aiming to improve the acceptance of foreign bank cards in eight major sectors — food, accommodation, transportation, tourism, shopping, entertainment, medical care and education.中國銀聯表示,它旨在提高外國銀行卡在食品、住宿、交通、旅遊、購物、娛樂、醫療和教育這八大行業的接受度。All payment methods, such as cards, QR codes, and mobile payments, will support foreign card purchases at core subway stations, and some taxis will be able to accept foreign card payments.在核心地鐵站,所有支付方式如卡支付、二維碼支付和移動支付等都將支持外籍人士的銀行卡購票,同時部分出租車也將能夠接受外籍人士的銀行卡支付。Bank of China is expanding its cooperation with foreign currency exchange partners from the nine it already has in Dalian.中國銀行正在擴大與外彙合作夥伴的合作,目前大連已有九家這樣的合作夥伴。BOC Dalian branch sources said all of its 99 banking outlets in Dalian can provide foreign currency exchange services. The bank's 233 ATMs in the city can fully support cash withdrawal services for mainstream international bank cards issued abroad, with terminal interfaces available in both Chinese and English.中國銀行大連分行方面表示,該行在大連市內的99家營業網點均可提供外幣兌換服務。同時,該行在大連市布放的233台ATM均可全面支持境外主流國際銀行卡的取現服務,且終端界面支持中英文操作。Wang Gangjian, deputy head of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's Dalian branch, said the branch will establish an overseas guests payment service center at Dalian International Airport.中國工商銀行大連分行副行長王剛健表示,該行將在大連國際機場設立海外旅客支付服務中心。"At the service center, specialized financial service personnel will provide consultation services and promote knowledge on mobile payments, digital RMB payments, and other services to foreign visitors," he said at a news conference earlier this year.他在今年早些時候的新聞發布會上表示:“在服務中心,專業的金融服務人員將提供咨詢服務,並向外國遊客推廣移動支付、數字人民幣支付等服務知識。”The center will also provide short-term mobile phone cards for foreign visitors and be equipped with foreign currency exchange machines and ATMs that can handle cash withdrawals with foreign cards, said Wang.王剛健說,該中心還將爲外國遊客提供短期手機卡,並配備外幣兌換機和自動取款機,這些機器可以用外國銀行卡取現金。In late April, a payment service center for overseas guests was put into operation at the international airport and another at the international cruise ship terminal.四月底,大連國際機場和大連國際郵輪中心均設立了海外旅客支付服務中心。Dalian is aiming to make the stay of overseas visitors more convenient to boost inbound tourism.大連旨在讓海外遊客的停留更加便利,以促進入境旅遊。Sources from Dalian's Culture and Tourism Bureau said the city's cultural and tourism stakeholders should upgrade services for overseas tourists through measures such as consultation desks at major scenic spots to make bookings and ticket purchases easier.大連市文化和旅遊局的相關人士表示,大連市的文化和旅遊利益相關者應通過在大型景點設置咨詢台等措施,爲海外遊客提供更好的服務,以便他們更方便地預訂和購票。Travel agencies handling services have been instructed to have small change on hand, and provide guidelines on money exchanges and tutorials on online payments.已指示處理服務的旅行社准備零錢,並提供貨幣兌換指南和在線支付教程。"Dalian has rich cultural and tourism resources," said Yu Jingdong, general manager of Dalian Wenyuan Travel Agency. "Many tourists from Russia, South Korea and Japan are considering it as a must-visit city in 2024, especially after it was selected as 'Culture City of East Asia'."“大連擁有豐富的文化和旅遊資源,”大連文源旅行社總經理于敬東說。“許多來自俄羅斯、韓國和日本的遊客都認爲大連是2024年必去的城市,尤其是在它被選爲‘東亞文化之都’之後。”Yu cited the example of a South Korean tourist who was impressed by the seafood in Dalian and has visited the city with his family twice in recent months.于先生舉了一個韓國遊客的例子,這位遊客對大連的海鮮印象深刻,近幾個月來已經和家人兩次造訪大連。Another South Korean tourist, who had been suffering from a herniated disc for years, found relief after having traditional Chinese medicine therapy and acupuncture during a stay last year. "Now, he visits Dalian every quarter for treatment and traditional Chinese medicine recuperation," Yu said.另一位韓國遊客患有腰間盤突出症多年,去年在大連逗留期間接受了中醫治療和針灸後,他感到舒緩了許多。“現在,他每個季度都會來大連進行中醫治療和療養,”于波說。Earlier this year, Dalian's Culture and Tourism Bureau, in collaboration with tourism businesses and bodies, developed a 2024 implementation plan to strengthen inbound tourism by making travel more convenient for visitors.


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