
火斯探球 2024-04-03 11:26:02




I have one question what is Lebron the greatest at example scoring defense court vision because he isn’t the GOAT at any of these things the only thing I will definitely give him is longevity because every category there was someone better than him


Jordan was great but the fact Lebron James did this against the greatest athletes of all time is wild


If they didn't have def 3 seconds like in the 90's he wouldn't have scored half those points


Stop hatin on lebron bro he just give sunshine to the nba

不要再黑勒布朗了,兄弟,他只是給 NBA 帶來了陽光。

I would say who cares but I saw so many posts about this guys scoring record that I guess people do care.


Any other scoring record? Bring it on, we're breaking every scoring record, Steph can hold the 3 points record


Haters will always hate no matter what LBJ achieved..

Another heartache for the haters..


The hate on lebron is nuts, seriously just watch his greatness for as long as he's around and stop complaining


Even him being the all time leading scorer in all of basketball, people still clown his greatness smh. It’s so unlikely you’ll ever see someone ever do this again, respect him while he still here, Mans had a target on his back since he was 18 years old coming in the league and he exceeded all expectations. That’s some challenging shit

即使他是籃球曆史得分王,人們還是會嘲笑他的偉大。你不太可能再看到有人能做到這一點了,趁他還在這裏,尊重他吧,詹姆斯從 18 歲進入聯盟時就被人盯上了,而他卻超出了所有人的預期,這是多麽具有挑戰性的事情啊。

And this is Honestly a Ball Player Who plays with a “Pass First” Mindset. We Truly will Never see another LeBron in the League ever again.

而且,這還是一個以 "傳球第一 "的心態打球的球星。我們真的再也不會在聯盟中看到第二個勒布朗了。

No, I scored 84,624 points in my neighborhood league, sorry Lebron.

不,我在社區聯賽中得了 84624 分,對不起,勒布朗。

So that means if we use this logic, Oscar Schmidt was the goat before?


I wish I could travel back in time so I could tell Jordan to focus on stat padding instead of championships.


Oscar played for 29 years . Thats facts. From 1974 to 2003

奧斯卡打了 29 年球。這就是事實,從 1974 年到 2003 年。

Another strong reason why LeBron James is the greatest player of all time


with this kind of defense?? even me i can surpass lebron JAMES if i have this kind of referee’s special treatment


Alright the GOAT DEBATE is over!! His accolades say it all, clearly better than Jorbum. If you don't like this man your life must be miserable.

好了,GOAT 辯論結束了!!他的榮譽說明了一切,顯然比喬丹更出色。如果你不喜歡他,那你的生活一定很悲慘。

That’s wonderful. Now defend your legacy and beat Denver in the playoffs and stop Jokic from repeating.


I’m an avid basketball fan and never even heard of Oscar Schmidt before this lmao


Oscar Schmidt played professionally for 28 years, playing 1615 games, which gives us an average of 30,8 points per game. He has the record for most points averaged in the Olympics and highest scoring game, averaging 42ppg in Seoul (1988) and scoring 55 in that same edition. He is a 7x italian league top scorer, 1x spanish league and 10x brazilian league. A true legend, an example of hard work and fine character for all brazilians and fans of basketball all around the world.

奧斯卡-施密特職業生涯長達 28 年,共參加了 1615 場比賽,平均每場比賽得到 30.8 分。他保持著奧運會場均得分最高紀錄和最高得分紀錄,在漢城奧運會(1988 年)上,他場均得到 42 分,並在當屆奧運會有單場55分的表現。他曾 7 次榮膺意大利聯賽得分王,1 次榮膺西班牙聯賽得分王,10 次榮膺巴西聯賽得分王。他是一個真正的傳奇,是全世界所有巴西人和籃球迷努力工作和優秀品格的典範。

Imagine he shot the ball as much as kobe and mj. He could reach 60 by now




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