
火斯探球 2024-03-15 07:41:33

近日前詹姆斯隊友查爾莫斯做客奧尼爾播客節目《The Big Podcast with Shaq》談到了詹姆斯。奧尼爾說道:“我聽有很多球員說過,包括我自己,‘我害怕邁克爾-喬丹’,我聽查爾默斯那一代的球員說他們害怕科比,但我從來沒有聽過任何球員說他們害怕詹姆斯”。引來熱議,一起來看看球迷如何評論!

Oh my Shaq is making up stories again. James went to the finals 8 straight years. There was a time when the NBA finals went through him regardless of what coast he was on. All the players knew this.


LeBron is a point guard basically how many people fear point guards? It’s more of a facilitating position. No one feared Magic Johnson that didn’t take away from his greatness . Also LeBron isn’t a A**hole like mj was. He’s more outgoing and friendly (he appeares at least) so yea makes sense doesn’t mean he’s not better or just as good . But I’m sure Toronto feared LeBron all those years he whooped their


You never see people’s do their best against someone they fear… People only do their best against people they don’t fear.. That shows how weak of an Era Jordan played in VS Bron. Wake up.


I’ve heard too many actual players say they weren’t afraid of Jordan, and I’ve seen him get swept and lose too much with my own eyes.. I’ve also heard several players say that they feared Lebron James.. I’m not sure what the narratives accomplish

我聽過太多真正的球員說他們不怕喬丹,我親眼看到他被橫掃,輸得太慘了。 我也聽過一些球員說他們害怕勒布朗-詹姆斯。我不知道這些說法能達到什麽目的。

Perkins literally said he would pray he got hurt when it was time to face him in the playoffs. Y’all be too vested in this chit. On muiltiple podcasts you hear players say they feared him. Shaq doesn’t listen to podcasts.


Because he’s Lovable and has a different handshake for everyone that he cares about he hugs his opponents he’s respectful

Michael can’t even stay friends with Scotty


It's gotta be something that they keep bringing up lebrons name. It's plenty of players that said they feared lebron and they couldn't guard him


Both men are great!!! The man that gets lost in these debates is Kareem! His stats, rings, accolades and career bows down to no one’s!


Why keep posting stupid takes like this…there are plenty of interviews with players saying Bron was terrifying to game plan and play against. Ohhh I know why bc it’s bait to get people to comment just like I just did


maybe because people grew up to not fear another athlete. there’s more respect between players (excluding draymond) these days


I'd take Mike and Kobe over LeBron if I needed one game to win, but in fairness to LeBron, he will do much better in keeping his teammates involved


I'm in Toronto. I can confirm the raptors feared him when he had a stranglehold on the east. If other teams in the east during this time think they didn't fear him, they either were in denial or didn't know any better


Yeah sport fans always quick to forget. Lebron went to the Eastern finals 8 times in a row. Lebron had Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, Indiana, and Toronto all scared

是啊,體育迷們總是忘得很快。勒布朗曾連續 8 次打進東部決賽。勒布朗曾讓芝加哥、亞特蘭大、波士頓、印第安納和多倫多都聞風喪膽。

Regardless of if they say it, the entire eastern conference couldn’t get to the finals until Lebron went to the west coast. They literally had to go through him and he stayed in the finals! This man gone continue to get disrespected but the ppl that’s going to miss him MOST when he retires are his haters!


Thats more of a personality thing and scoring thing. MJ talked trash and carried himself like a gangster on the court. It was intimidating. Plus, MJ would drop 50 on you just for spite. Lebron, tho a great scorer himself, wasnt as great a scorer as MJ and wasnt as spiteful. MJ would play mind games with you, embarass you, and if you got him upset he would tap into Godmode and drop 40, 50, 60 on your head


Lebron James never had a Phil Jackson...There is no elite coaches any longer. Micheal Jordan and Kobe Bryant were what without Phil Jackson? Title less... Jordan and Bryant had no success without Phil Jackson as their coach. Lebron on the other hand carried coaches.


1) doubt anyone said they feared Jordan while he was still playing.

2) look at last nights game Keon Ellis on a fast break 2 on 1 scared shitless of lebron blocking him he traveled and threw the ball out of bounds on the same play.

3) you ever see anyone swinging on Lebron. I can recall less than 5 guys trying to shove/fight Lebron while Jordan was getting tackled and swung on often.

1) 喬丹還在打球的時候,沒人說過他們害怕喬丹。2)看看昨晚的比賽,基恩-埃利斯在一次 2 打 1 的快攻中被勒布朗封蓋嚇得屁滾尿流,他在同一次進攻中行進間將球扔出了界外。3)你見過有人對勒布朗揮拳嗎?我記得有不到 5 個人試圖推搡/對抗勒布朗,而喬丹卻經常被擒抱和揮拳相向。

We are done with the 90s. Humans get faster, stronger and smarter over time regardless of occupation. Lebron dominated his respective era and MJ dominated his.

我們已經告別了 90 年代。隨著時間的推移,人類會變得更快、更強、更聰明,無論從事何種職業。勒布朗統治了他各自的時代,而 MJ 統治了他的時代。

Being scared of people don’t help you be great! How do you claim greatest when nobody wants to beat the greatest! Respect is different, how can I truly respect somebody EVERYBODY FEARS!


Even though they didn’t say they feared LeBron, imagine what they where thinking both teams Celtics and Raptors when LeBron was in the East. Bro they Panicked to face LeBron in the East Conference finals. Respect.




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